The month of March brings green too my mind. As a kid it was the Minty Shamrock shakes from McDonald’s oh so good, but as an adult I no longer crave or want the Minty shake. I crave making a difference and make strides (big or small) to help change our planet. This is why I am giving a LOUD shout out to “Friends of the Earth”! I want to raise awareness of this amazing organization that for over 40 years has been fighting for issues for the greater good of the planet and us. Friends of the Earth are pioneers – I love that about them! They take the path less traveled and look to the FUTURE to solve issues that will make a huge, positive impact on our planet.
This month $2.00 of every Farm House Fresh purchase is donated back to I invite you to visit their website, see what’s happening on the planet and learn more about what you can do to help!
Love Pamela